
I’m Katherine


Trauma recovery coaching helps an individual heal from known or unknown times of trauma in their lives. Trauma is defined not as a particular event, but, rather, at any time in life one experiences a state of overwhelm (this can include all forms of trauma - physical, sexual, verbal, emotional). These times of overwhelm cause a trauma response in the nervous system resulting in trauma being stored in the body. Over time, this stored trauma and the effects it has on our biology (how it affects us on a cellular level) can result in chronic illness and disease, autoimmune conditions, poor immune system, poor gut health and poor overall general health. Complete healing will not occur until the nervous system is regulated and the biology of the body balanced and restored.

Occupational Therapist

Functional Medicine Health Coach

Certified Trauma Recovery Coach

Level 1 Biology of Trauma Professional


Functional medicine seeks to understand the root causes of symptoms, addressing and working to resolve the underlying causes rather than just treating the symptoms. As a functional medicine practitioner, I am able to order and interpret labs to identify what underlying causes may be contributing to an individual’s symptoms. For example, we determine if there are biochemical imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, hormone imbalances, overgrowth of unhealthy gut bacteria, poor good gut health bacteria, autoimmune issues, poor liver detoxification, food sensitivities, etc. Once underlying causes have been identified (including working to regulate the nervous system and addressing trauma), a lifestyle protocol is developed to help an individual work towards optimal health and wellness in all areas of life!


My combined knowledge and integration of trauma recovery coaching along with functional medicine can help all individuals who are seeking to resolve any health conditions and willing to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Conditions that can be improved include, but are not limited to:

*Chronic pain / joint pain


*Migraines / headaches

*Sleep difficulties

*Brain fog/difficulty concentrating




*Autoimmune diseases

*Energy depletion/chronic fatigue


*Gut health issues/IBS/IBD/Crohn’s

*Thyroid / Hashimoto’s

*Balancing blood sugar